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Partner Nurseries & Businesses


We encourage you to patronize these fabulous local resources, nurseries and garden artisans -these are our friends and neighbors.  We are so fortunate to have such a rich, diverse selection of plant growers and talented folks in our area!


Schreiner's Iris Gardens

3625 Quinaby Road NE, Salem OR  (503) 393-3232

Growing the finest Iris since 1925, Schreiner's is a gem right here in our own backyard!  Visit the gardens, shop online.  200 acres of mouth watering Iris.

Salem Hardy Plant Society

Fabulous resource for Willamette Valley gardeners with monthly meetings, open gardens

and plant sales!  This is a friendly group of fun loving gardeners that would love to have you

as a member.

Adelman Peony Gardens, LLC  
5690 Brooklane Rd NE, Salem, OR (503)393-6185 
Nearly 500 varieties on 25 acres, you can order online and visit their
open house during the bloom season.
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