Cascade Nursery Trail
2025 Events
5/24 - 5/26 Spring Fever Open House
10-5 at all CNT Nurseries! Three day extravaganza of garden touring, plant sales and special events at our annual open house, perfectly timed for peak garden photo ops! Feel the fever of plant lust and the thrill of finding those alluring beauties as you fill your wagon at each stop…pausing for munchies or libation and some sage gardening advice from your nursery hosts before heading to your next trail destination. Come out for a day in the country, meet the owners and find plants you may not see anywhere else. We will all be open Saturday, Sunday and Monday so you 'll have time to get to ALL the CNT Nurseries!
6/14 Beginning of Summer Garden Festival
10-3 at Sebright Gardens! Come join Cascade Nursery Trail member nurseries and MORE nurseries, garden art vendors at this Sebright Garden sponsored event. Spend a beautiful day touring the gardens, shopping for a fabulous selection of plants and garden decor...enjoy a leisurely breakfast or lunch available from our food vendor 'The Feedshack'!
7/12 - 7/13 Midsummer Madness!
10-5 at all CNT Nurseries! Drive off those doldrums of summer by coming out to see what's happening in our long day gardens! Anything goes at Midsummer Madness...so expect the unexpected. If it's hot, we can squirt you with a hose. We want to remind you that there is no law against planting new plants in the summer months, in fact, we nursery people who have little time during the spring and fall, often find ourselves partaking in this defiant act with great success (with a little watering and mulch) so fear not! There are SO MANY things that look great this time of year. Come see what summer offers for your garden in flower and foliage.
8/16 Jewel Box Plant Sale
ONE DAY ONLY! 9-3 at Sebright Gardens! We will all be at Sebright's to celebrate our 13th annual Jewel Box Sale! Stop in and pick out some gems from the hand picked selections of CNT Members, all in one place for your shopping delight! This time of year is always great for obtaining nice full pots ready to be tucked into the garden. Tour Sebright’s spectacular gardens and shop their huge variety of hostas and companion plants. A great time to stock up for fall planting. This has become a popular and well attended event, so for the best selection, plan on arriving EARLY!
Cascade Nursery Trail will be hosting the Oregon Trail Iris Society again ths year at this event and there will be beautiful Irises for sale! Bring your Iris questions and get answers...
9/27 - 9/28 Colors of Fall Festival
10-5 at all CNT Nurseries LAST CHANCE FOR PLANTS! Late season gala brings glowing surprises in the garden that are seldom seen! Unique offerings chosen for fall planting and winter interest will be featured for this celebration of season. This time of year brings the promise of warm soils, cooling ambient temperatures and coming rains – the perfect time for planting! Wander thru our gardens and let us be your muse…it is also time to ponder winter interest additions and spring surprises. There is always a great variety of established pots, begging to be taken home and planted in your garden this time of year. We are happy to advise and suggest. As we rev up our wagons one more time to collect our visions for next year’s dreams, we find that THIS is the time to score some really good stuff!
'Secret Garden Growers' will be firing up the BBQ again this year! Come on by for a hot dog or sausage, lunch is on us. Pat Thompson will be giving periodic talks about favorite plants for 2025-2026.​ Mary Myatt Metalworks will be here with her garden ready art, functional pieces, obelisks, trellises and more!
'Out in the Garden Nursery' has a great selection of ornamental grasses heading into full fall glory. Now is the perfect time to get them into your gardens. Just in time for fall planting, we have a number of overstock, close out and odds and ends plants at reduced prices. Bring a picnic and enjoy our fall gardens. While you are here, be sure to check out the progress on the new customer courtyard.